The Forbidden Fruit

тнεѕε violεит dεligнтѕ наvε violεит εиdѕ, аиd iи тнεія тяіυмрн diε, liкε fiяε aиd powdεя, wніcн аѕ тнεу кіѕѕ...coиѕυмε... ♥ ◦ ■ ◊ ○ ♫

Welcome to the site Smile go to the available characters list, choose who you'd like to be and email it to Admin (Bella Swan) and get started! Very Happy
ωhεn ℓιfε offεяѕ yoυ a dяεaм so faя bεyond any of yoυя εxрεстaтιons, ιт’s υnяεasonabℓε тo gяιεvε ιт ωhεn ιт comεs тo αn εnd xox ♥ □ ◦ ● ◦ ◘ ♫

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Quileute Reservation

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First Beach

The tourist teaming spit of land that is usually misty with rain.

Fri May 27, 2011 10:25 am
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The Black's House

Home of Bella's best friend Jacob and his father, Billy.

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The Clearwater's House

Harry and Sue Clearwater are close friends of Billy and Jacob, and their children, Leah and Seth, are carrying on the wolves' bloodline.

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The High School

The reservation has it's own high school, though, in Jacob's opinion, it still sucks.


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