The Forbidden Fruit

тнεѕε violεит dεligнтѕ наvε violεит εиdѕ, аиd iи тнεія тяіυмрн diε, liкε fiяε aиd powdεя, wніcн аѕ тнεу кіѕѕ...coиѕυмε... ♥ ◦ ■ ◊ ○ ♫

Welcome to the site Smile go to the available characters list, choose who you'd like to be and email it to Admin (Bella Swan) and get started! Very Happy
ωhεn ℓιfε offεяѕ yoυ a dяεaм so faя bεyond any of yoυя εxрεстaтιons, ιт’s υnяεasonabℓε тo gяιεvε ιт ωhεn ιт comεs тo αn εnd xox ♥ □ ◦ ● ◦ ◘ ♫

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The Cullen's House

The Cullen House is the Roleplay for the golden-eyed Olympic coven

Alice's Visions, Edward's Room, Alice and Jasper's Room, Rosalie and Emmett's Room, Carlisle and Esme's Room
121The Lounge
Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:32 pm
Esme Cullen View latest post
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The Swan's House

This is where Bella and Charlie live, and where there are often visitors to Roleplay with!

Bella's Room
11The First Cloudy...
Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:29 am
Bella Swan View latest post
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Forks High

The local high school, 'just off the highway, like everything else'.

Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:36 am
Bella Swan View latest post
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The Forest

The rich, green and mossy woodland of Forks.

Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:37 pm
Victoria View latest post
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Around Forks

This is a Roleplay for any of the goings on that happen nearby Forks and that are based there, but not near the Cullens or Bella.

2132Forks Motel
Thu Dec 23, 2010 5:12 pm
Sam Winchester View latest post
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The Baseball Clearing

The huge clearing where the vampires go to play baseball. More often than not, some dangerous visitors show up...


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